President - OASPA
President-Elect - OASPA
Past President - OASPA
Secretary - OASPA
Treasurer - OASPA
OAEE Chair
OMRC Co-Chair
OMRC Co-Chair
Central OH Regional Chair
NE Ohio Regional Chair
SE OH Regional Chair
SW Ohio Regional Chair
SW Ohio (Dayton) Regional Chair
Executive Director - OASPA
HR Professional Certification
Are you interested in obtaining certification which demonstrates that you have the knowledge and skills to be a public school HR administrator?
OASPA Spring Conference
HR in the Age of AI: Strengthening Relationships in a Digital World
Friday, March 7, 2025
Ready or not AI is entering your HR world. At the OASPA Spring Conference at the Dublin Embassy Suites, we hope to offer some concrete suggestions to prepare for this new world.
The conference will kick off with keynote speaker Corey Layne Crouch. Corey is the Chief Program Officer and a former high school English teacher, school principal, and edtech executive. She has over 20 years of experience leading classrooms, schools, and district teams to transformative change focused on equity and access for all students. As a founding public charter school leader, she ensured that 100% of seniors were accepted to a four-year college. Her focus now lies in assessing the broader K-16 edtech ecosystem, uniting stakeholders at all levels to build a more equitable and abundant future for all. She holds an MBA from Rice University and a BA from Rowan University.
Following Corey's presentation, Paul Craft, Superintendent of Public Instruction, from the State Board of Education will be on hand to give us the latest from the state.
After lunch, Katie Rediger and Drew Schantz from People Bench will be on hand to discuss Employee Retention Strategies.
Their presentation will be followed by a panel discussion ( Jennie Berkley - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources & Student Services, Milford Exempted Village Schools and Lydia Gaddis - Chief Human Capital Officer, Springfield City Schools) regarding how some Ohio school districts use employee recognition as one of their retention strategies.
The conference will conclude with a legal update with Erin Wessendorf-Wortman from Ennis Britton.
Click HERE to see the tentative agenda.
Although most members have already paid the conference registration fee, everyone planning to attend must still register in order for OASPA to provide sufficient seats, food and materials.
REGISTER NOW for the OASPA Spring Conference.
Plan to network with your colleagues and enjoy the collaboration, door prizes and more!
You have until February 20, 2025 to secure lodging at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Columbus Dublin, 5100 Upper Metro Place Dublin, OH 43017 for a special OASPA rate of $149.00, plus applicable taxes. You can book online by clicking HERE or calling (614) 790-9000.
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Mark your calendars for these professional development opportunities which may be of interest to you.
OASPA Spring Conference - Friday, March 7, 2025 - Embassy Suites Columbus/Dublin
OASPA Boot Camp - Friday, August 29, 2025 - Embassy Suites Columbus/Dublin
OASPA Fall Conference - Thursday & Friday, September 25 & 26, 2025 - Embassy Suites Columbus/Dublin
OASPA Administrative Assistants' Conference - October 2 & 3, 2025 - Embassy Suites Columbus/Dublin
AASPA Annual Conference - October 7 - 10, 2025 - Nashville, TN
OASPA Winter Camp & HR Essentials for Classified Supervisors - January 23, 2026 - Embassy Suites Columbus/Dublin
OASPA Spring Conference - Friday, March 6, 2026 - Embassy Suites Columbus/Dublin
OASPA Works for You
During these tumultuous times, many of us are grappling with issues such as how to continue to provide the quality of services while operating on a shoestring budget. Your membership will enhance your access to the resources and networks necessary to thrive today. Our organization brings together career services professionals from institutions with teacher preparation programs and personnel administrators from school districts throughout the state who work together cooperatively to bring about increased quality and diversity within the school systems.